

Issues to be addressed

Vietnam has experienced rapid economic growth in recent years. However, the effects of development have not necessarily been evenly distributed among the population. Not only the disparity between urban and rural areas, but also the disparity between residents within the cities is widening. Even in Da Nang City, which is attracting worldwide attention as a city of commerce and tourism, single-mother households and young people who are unable to go on to higher education face difficult livelihood circumstances. FIDR, in collaboration with a local welfare organization, provides support for self-reliance through vocational training.

Background on how we came to work on the issue

Da Nang's location at a strategic point in central Vietnam and its World Heritage sites, tourism resources of sea and mountains have quickly led to its rapid and long-lasting development. The accompanying urbanization and changes in the economic structure have been remarkable, and while some people have been able to ride the current trends and greatly increase their incomes, there is a segment of the population that has been left behind. In particular, women and young people without educational backgrounds or occupational skills are living on unstable and meager incomes and are unable to cope with the increasing cost of living due to the recent price hikes.

In the past, it was possible for families and relatives to provide support, but this cannot keep up with the speed of today's socio-economic changes. The national social security system is still in its infancy. An effective way to improve the lives of these socially vulnerable people is to acquire skills that will enable them to earn a stable income.

FIDR opened an office in Da Nang City in 1998 as its base in Vietnam, and has been developing projects in the city and surrounding areas. FIDR launched this project at the request of the Da Nang City Department of Foreign Affairs.

What FIDR aims to achieve

The program will provide opportunities for socially vulnerable households living in Da Nang City to acquire vocational skills and knowledge that will enable them to lead a stable life.

Project Details


Da Nang City

People benefited

  • About 100 households in socially vulnerable situations in Danang City

Initiatives to be undertaken locally

  1. Survey the local socio-economic and living environment to determine the support needs of vulnerable households.
  2. Develop and implement a curriculum for vocational training in sewing, food processing, packaging, etc.
  3. Provide guidance on how to improve livelihoods.

Period of activity

August 2022 - March 2027

Partner organization

Da Nang Charity Association and Child Right Protection Association (DNCACRPA)

FIDR's Approach

Utilizing FIDR's experience in providing technical guidance in handicrafts, food processing, and other skills to ethnic minority hill tribes, the program will provide vocational training that will ensure income generation.

Activity Report

Under Construction

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