
A chance to see Health Advances in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, for Kratie Province health officials and a health center staff

The Pediatric Surgery Project (PSP) of FIDR and our counterparts from Kratie province enjoyed a study visit to Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand from December 8th–12nd, 2024. It was significant days for us to learn about healthcare services and health system in our neighboring country.

Our group of nine members including four health officials from the Kratie Provincial Health Department (PHD), Operational Districts (ODs), and one staff from a Health Center (HC) toured various medical institutions such as the Provincial Health Department, the District Referral Hospital and Health Centers, and met with patients in the community.

The participants included Dr. Leang Dina (PHD), Mr. Im Phearith (Kratie OD), Mr. Sok Seng (Chhlong OD), Dr. Ong Vannara (Snoul OD) and Mr. Va katiya (Kampong Cham HC) and four members of FIDR. We gained valuable insights into Thailand's cutting-edge healthcare system.

PSP aims at strengthening the Kratie health sector by enhancing knowledge of pediatric surgical procedures and promoting continuous learning among health professionals. Additionally improving hospital management at all levels and the referral system from HCs to higher-level hospitals are also our main focus.

During the visit, many valuable insights into the successful patient care in hospitals and HCs were highlighted. The head of Kampong Cham HC, Mr. Va Katiya, identified key points and shared them with his colleagues after his return as follows;

  • Community Involvement: Health volunteers in HCs play a crucial role in helping patients with access to healthcare and managing household health data. Better results and safer deliveries are guaranteed by their techniques. 
  • Patient-Centered Care: Thai hospitals separate wards by gender and assign specialized nurses to each patient.
  • Child-Friendly Space: Playgrounds in hospitals help pediatric patients alleviate anxiety during their stay.
  • Effective Emergency Systems: Thailand’s ambulance services demonstrate excellent coordination with local authorities and enables patient transfers in less than ten minutes.


During his presentation, he also emphasized how crucial to properly transferring patient information from HCs to higher-level hospitals, to ensure efficient treatment and follow-up.

This study visit provided not only educational experiences, but an opportunity to spark a change. Participants returned with refreshed commitments to implement what they had learned. By fostering stronger community engagement and adopting more efficient healthcare practices, Kratie's health sector can advance toward a brighter future. Undoubtedly, the lessons learned from Ubon Ratchathani will shape the evolution of healthcare in Kratie province, paving the way for achieving outcomes within their own communities.

Last but not least, thanks to the arrangements made by the Health and Share Foundation (HSF) of Thailand for the study visit.


Receiving an explanation about emergency transportation at Sanpashitthipasong Children Hospital


In a surgical building and an operating room at Sanpashitthipasong Hospital


Group photo of all members at Nam Yuen Hospital


Mr. Va Katiya (right) shares his inspection about the study visit with his colleagues


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